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Innovation for the bottom of the pyramid...

Ideas are are like channels on Radio/TV. They are on air 24/7. All you need is the sensitivity to tune in to them. Once in tune encourage the torch bearers. Walk with them for couple of rounds of execution.

This is a story of innovation that impacts the bottom of the pyramid. Our team is proud to be part of simple yet critical innovation that continues to improve healthcare for millions of below poverty line patients.

About One and half year ago...We had opportunity to work with a organization called aarogysri (www. We had won a contract to provide a email platform for this initiative.

Providing a email platform was nothing more than a product sale, however we started engaging with different stake holders and over casual conversations.

We understood the Business Model where Aaroagyasri trust(funded by government) pays a contracted amount to third party insurance company on behalf of below poverty line family, each hospital provides services to patients with the Aarogyssri card, aarogyasri provides pre-auth, procedure is done and hospital gets paid by insurance company.

The Chief of Aarogaysri expressed the inordinate delays and lack of control on quality of care provided by the hospitals. He had already established a track record of being IT savvy by introducing manned kiosks in each of the hospitals and sophisticated application to automate various steps of pre-auth, treatment and payment procedures.

The current mode of communicating with the hospitals was to send paper circular, memo or notification and wait for the hospital to respond with in statutory amount of time and then act on the corrective or punitive measures. This mean that if there was a erring hospital there was no way to stop them continuing the errors in a reasonable timeframe.

We tuned into the chief’s idea and customized the Web front-end of the email system to incorporate the circular, memo or notification functionality with mail system itself.

We had created:

1. Single-Sign-on(SAML based) with the current aarogysri portal

2. Created ReST based Web Services for Enabling and Disabling specific functions such as pre-auth based on responses to memo and notification.

3. Incorporated neccecary changes to the web front-end to execute the workflow with proper time-stamps and auditable history.

With the introduction of the new system, the erring hospitals were bound respond to the email based memo’s arrogyasri immediately otherwise the workflow would disable them from admitting new patients.

In the end this resulted closed loop communication the health care providers and aarogyasri resulting in better faster processes.

To email system aarogyasri expanded from few officers (200) to entire eco-system healthcare providers, supporting insurance providers and all employees of aarogyssri (5000+ in total).

We are proud to be apart Aarogyasri’s innovation story…

This taught us a few things on technology front which were eventually rolled in to the cloud strategy...

We believe that the Software effort of Aarogysri can be converted into a Cloud platform offered to other states in the country....


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