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Cloud Services Marketplace

One of my friends Karthik and I were talking about Cloud Marketplaces and his boss/my friend Raj Buyya ( has written academic view on Cloud Market place.

I had worldview that was grounded in reality of today's state of the art in cloud technology. In

Today's Cloud Providers are very weak in providing B2b interfaces, there is no single window for:

  • Uniform API's or Standards for Provisioning for SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

  • Monitoring and Management frameworks

  • Delegated Administration portals or mature Reseller Relationships

  • Model for ISV relationships for Pay-per-use deployment of Applications

  • Model for Engaging Consulting and SME' resources

  • Model for Management platforms and Managed Service Providers

  • Promotion and Adoption models -

  • Monitization of Assets in Muliple Business Models(Free, Fremium, Ad-Supported, Premium, Concierage)

  • Training and Certification

  • Federated Identity Management

  • Comprehensive Services Catalog

A Practical approach is to Create a Cloud services delivery intermediary that does the Service Orchestration for Cloud Services and enable realization of a vibrant marketplace where customers can do comparision shopping, enjoy ad-supported goodies, select providers for whatever type of level of service they need.

more later...


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