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VAMANIT - Virtual Automated Managed Application Network Intelligent Terminal Appliance with ThinkCloud Services Delivery Platform

We have been working on appliances for over a year. The concept and application of our technology is being actively validated in PoC's at customer locations.

Cloud + Appliance model to create Simple, Secure and Frugal Cloud Services for Emerging Enterprises  is gaining traction.

We are inspired by Vision of Industry leaders from Intel, Google, Apple, Cisco and IBM  to develop technology platforms for tomorrows intelligent, data driven connected cloud of everything.

We believe in leveraging Internet of things, Big Data and Cloud technologies  to create high impact frugal solutions focused on emerging markets,

We are not focusing on:
1. Traditional Data center Equipement
2. Conventional Personal Computers
3. Standard Storage or Network Equipment

Our goal is to create complete solutions based on open, proven, industry accepted technologies.

Vamanit in sanskrit literally means "make iT smaller"-Dwarfed...

Our Information Infrastructure Strategy is centered around Cloud based Cloud Control plane for Provisioning, Managing and Controlling Appliance based Service Delivery.

Key features of our VAMANIT appliance + ThinkCloud Services Delivery platform include:

1. Software defined local information caching, remote configuration and backup
2. Cloud based Provisioning, Control and Monitoring
3. Simple Office based Desk-side installation
4. Power Management for Internet of things with optional UPS and Solar Capability
5. Differentiated Managed Services

The focus of VAMAINIT appliance:

1. Gateway to consume cloud based services  - from SaaS applications to Virtual Desktops
2. Consolidated Local Management hub for Assets (physical, Virtual & Cloud), Applications(SaaS, Server & Local), Activities(User to Machine/Machine-to-Machine) and Information repositories (quicker access and synchronization)
3. Easier support and proactive manageability

We are still exploring effective business models to collaborate with Service providers and equipment distribution networks.

Join the conversation...tell us your thoughts...


Unknown said…

Managed Network Services

LG Networks specializes in IT Consulting, providing business Computer Support and Network Services in Dallas, Garland, Plano, Richardson, Addison, Irving and for more information then visit: or call now: 972-528-6546
Unknown said…
Managed Services

Computer Support Dallas, IT Consulting, Managed Services, Network Services - Garland, Plano, TX | LG Networks

Contact Information:>

LG Networks, Inc.
81111 LBJ Freeway Suite 625
Dallas, TX 75251
Phone: 972-528-6546

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